- In Impress, creating and editing slides is very versatile thanks to different editing and view modes: Normal (for general editing), Outline (for organizing and outlining your text content), Notes (for viewing and editing the notes attached to a slide), Handout (for producing paper-based material), and Slide Sorter (for a thumbnail sheet view that lets you quickly locate and order your slides).
- In every presentation, first slide should be title slide. To save a presentation, we can use key combination Ctrl+s. In LibreOffice Impress, by default the presentation is saved with.odp extension. The keyboard shortcut key for slide show is F5. The shortcut key to close the LibreOffice impress is C TRL+w.
- Purchase or download the latest LibreOffice Impress Guide, written by community experts. LibreOffice, the best free and open source office suite.
LibreOffice Impress Templates - A collection of 246 well-designed, modern, freely-licensed templates on GitHub. Macos sourcetree. 3 Column basic Brochure This is a sweet & simple template for a 3 column Brochure and/or Pamphlet.

I just can't figure out how to handle the bullet points in Impress. Quite often I want to remove a bullet point but I can't find that option anywhere. Sometimes when I hit backspace the bullet disappears, but the text remains indented, which is not what I want.
Or I want add bullets, and Impress just refuses. It seems quite simple: Rightclick > Bullets and numbering.. , choose the type I want and hit OK. But then Impress either does nothing or gives me a different colored bullet than the document-standard.
I just don't get it, and I feel like a complete moron for asking here: but can someone please tell me how to add/remove bullets?Thanks.
edit:Please don't so this as a rant towards Impress or Libre Office. Ussually I use Latex instead or Word/Writer, and Matlab instead of Excel/Calc, so I'm just not really experienced with Office-suites.

Closed for the following reason the question is answered, right answer was accepted by Alex Kemp
close date 2015-10-05 20:38:19.156985
This no longer works with the 2018 update. To turn bullets and numbering 'off' use Format, Styles, Edit Style, Customize, and select None from the dropdown menu under Numbering. That is how I turned bullets off - Windows 10
Libre Impress Download
In LibreOffice Writer, you can on and off numbering by pressing F12 key. Similarly, to on and off bullet points use hotkey Shift+F12. Obviously the hotkeys for these can be changed by entering into customize submenu under tools menu.
If you are looking for LibreOffice Impress, you have come to the right place. We explain what LibreOffice Impress is and point you to the official download.
What is LibreOffice Impress?
The Libre Office Impress is part of the Libre Office productivity suite, a presentation software similar to Microsoft Office’s PowerPoint, and powered with similar features and capabilities. Like most of the applications in Libre Office, which is in itself a fork of the Open Office software, Impress is essentially a rebranded and open-source version of Open office Impress. Impress can save its work directly as a PDF file, and also features the ability to import its presentation as a SWF file allowing it to be played on any computer with Adobe Flash Player installed. The Libre Office Impress supports .ppt and .pptx, and natively supports Open Office Impress presentation files.
Just as Open Office is an alternative to Microsoft Office (and Corel's Office applications, to a lesser extent), Libre Office fulfills the same role to Open Office. Forked from Oracle's Open Office suite, Libre Office is essentially the same, with a few subtle improvements that those who use either may not be able to spot unless they are specifically looking for something (for example, Libre Office supports more languages than Open Office). Although Open office still is free (with Oracle offering a commercial, paid version of the software with added features like technical support), Libre Office retains the original Open Office (which was first named StarOffice) philosophy of being open and free; to this end, Libre Office is both free and open-source, with its code base being written and expounded upon by its community.
Download LibreOffice Impress from the developer

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File types supported by LibreOffice Impress
Our users primarily use LibreOffice Impress to open these file types:

Libreoffice Impress Templates
Some users also use LibreOffice Impress to open these file types:
About file types supported by LibreOffice Impress
Libreoffice Impress 4
File.org aims to be the go-to resource for file type- and related software information. We spend countless hours researching various file formats and software that can open, convert, create or otherwise work with those files.
If you have additional information about which types of files LibreOffice Impress can process, please do get in touch - we would love hearing from you.