Notion Cheat Sheet

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Formulas In Notion

Notion Cheat Sheet

'Cheat Sheet' IDEF1X Components P Z n P Z n Many-to-Many Zero, One or Many Zero or One One or More One to Exactly n Identifying Non-Identifying Relationships Optional. Calculus Cheat Sheet Visit for a complete set of Calculus notes. © 2005 Paul Dawkins Derivatives Definition and Notation If yfx then. For the first argument — the test expression — you can use comparison functions, such as test, or comparison operators, which you’ll find in The Notion Formula Cheat Sheet. Prioritize with the Eisenhower Matrix What’s the Eisenhower Matrix? With the Eisenhower Matrix, you indicate the importance and urgency of each task. The Notion Formula Cheat Sheet offers a comprehensive list of formulas with a description, argument list and example for each. You may notice that there is a formula for each operator. Above, we saw add (2, 2), which is the same as 2 + 2.

How To Setup The Database

  • Create one Child relation property connected both ways. Search for the database you are currently in. The second relation property that appears will be the Parent. Rename both properties accordingly.

  • Create one rollup property called Grandparents. Configure it to grab the parent and show that parent’s parent. A.k.a the grandparent of the current entry.


Notion Date Formula

How To Create A Template To Navigate To Grandparents And Grandchildren

  • If you want the ability to navigate to the grandparent and grandchildren relations, something the above technique alone will not allow (rollups are only windows, not links), follow these instructions.

  • First, create another rollup property called Grandchildren and configure it to grab the current entry’s child’s child.

  • Next, create a template and insert TWO linked databases (trigger: /linked database) into the body of the page and search for the current database.

  • Create two columns labeled Grandparents and Grandchildren inside the template page and drag the two linked databases underneath. I switched the default table to list view.


Notion Formula Today

  • Configure the filter of the Grandparents like this:

    • Grandchildren Rollup contains Name of Template

  • Configure the filter of the Grandchildren like this:

    • Grandparents Rollup contains Name of Template

Notion Latex Cheat Sheet

This is a small segment of my work-in-progress family tree. Finding automatic connections between grandparents/children is essential for my setup.

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